what books were left out of the bible: and how do we know what to believe?

what books were left out of the bible: and how do we know what to believe?

what books were left out of the bible: and how do we know what to believe?

What books were left out of the Bible? This question has been debated for centuries, with various theories and interpretations. Some argue that certain books were excluded due to their perceived incompatibility with the Christian doctrine, while others suggest it was simply a matter of historical oversight or political influence. Regardless of the reasons, the exclusion of these texts has sparked numerous discussions about faith, scripture, and the nature of religious texts.

One perspective on this issue is that the books left out of the Bible were written during a time when the Christian church had not yet fully codified its doctrines. As such, they may have contained elements that did not align with the emerging orthodoxy. For example, the Book of Enoch, which contains angelic lore and eschatological visions, was not included because it was considered too speculative for mainstream Christianity. Similarly, the Shepherd of Hermas, a collection of moral parables, was likely excluded due to its non-canonical status and lack of formal apostolic authority.

Another theory suggests that the exclusion of certain books was influenced by political factors. The Council of Carthage in 397 AD decreed that any writings not attributed to an apostle or the early church fathers were not to be considered authoritative. This decision effectively marginalized texts like the Didache, a document believed to be an early Christian manual of instruction, and the Epistle of Barnabas, which contains Christological teachings. By excluding these texts, the church sought to establish a more uniform and easily manageable canon.

However, it’s important to note that the exclusions of these books do not necessarily mean they are incorrect or heretical. Rather, they represent different theological perspectives and spiritual traditions within Christianity. For instance, the inclusion of the Apocrypha in some Protestant Bibles does not imply that these texts are on par with the canonical books; rather, it allows for a broader interpretation of biblical authority.

Furthermore, the debate over what should be included in the Bible raises questions about the nature of religious texts and the role of human interpretation. If the Bible is seen as the ultimate source of divine revelation, then the exclusion of certain texts might seem problematic. However, if the Bible is viewed as a human compilation of sacred writings, then the decisions made by early Christian leaders become less significant.

Ultimately, the exclusion of books from the Bible remains a complex and multifaceted issue that continues to spark scholarly interest and public discussion. It serves as a reminder of the dynamic nature of religious texts and the ongoing quest for meaning and understanding within faith communities.


  1. Q: 为什么《圣经》中没有包括《雅各书》这样的早期教会信经?

    • A: 《雅各书》在《圣经》中的缺失可能是因为它并非由使徒或早期教会领袖所写。一些学者认为,这些早期教会信经反映了更早期的基督教实践和教义。
  2. Q: 《圣经》中排除了哪些非主流的书籍?

    • A: 除了上述提到的《雅各书》,还有《希伯来书》、《犹大书》等被认为是早期基督教文献,但因为其非正式地位而未被纳入《圣经》。
  3. Q: 《圣经》的编纂过程中是否受到政治因素的影响?

    • A: 是的,如《圣经》中的某些决定,如397年卡塔尔会议的决议,可能受到了政治因素的影响。这一决议促使将所有未经使徒或早期教会领袖署名的著作排除在外,从而限制了《圣经》的权威范围。
  4. Q: 《圣经》中不包含《雅各书》这样的早期信经,是否意味着这些信经是错误的?

    • A: 不一定。《雅各书》的缺失可能反映的是不同宗教传统和信仰观点。它们可以被视为不同的灵性实践和教义表达。
  5. Q: 《圣经》作为神圣文本的意义是什么?

    • A: 《圣经》作为神圣文本意味着它是信徒们共同理解和实践信仰的基础。然而,对于不同的人,它可能承载着不同的意义和价值。